Why choose Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals?

Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications take a student-centred approach to the curriculum. There is a flexible, unit-based structure that focuses on developing the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills the student will need to succeed in employment and higher education.

Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals are intended to keep doors open for future study if a student wishes to take their education further after completing a Higher National programme. They do this by allowing space for students to develop their higher education study skills, such as the ability to research. The study programme is clearly set out in line with the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s Framework for Higher Education qualification standards at Levels 4 and 5.

SAM Institute Of Management Skills offer Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Procurement and Supply Management

Entry requirements and admissions

Pearson does not set formal entry requirements for our qualifications. But as a centre, you are responsible for making sure that the students you recruit have a reasonable chance of success on the programme. Students who have recently been in education are likely to need:

Our Recognition of Prior Learning policy means that students’ previous learning and experience can be taken into account and they may be awarded certain qualifications or units of a qualification based on that learning or experience.

Assignment checking service

This is a free service for BTEC centres to make sure that assignments enable students to produce suitable evidence across the required Learning Outcomes. It is especially useful for programme teams who are relatively new to BTEC and who want to check that their assignments are fully meeting a unit’s requirements. Please see https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/Services/assignmentchecking-service.html

Progression Route

Our Higher Nationals are recognised by universities and employers from around the world, offering students the peace of mind that they can progress to their chosen path once they have completed their qualification.

Learners who will complete these qualification can progress to study Level 6 or the Final Top up year of University for Bachelor’s degree. These Qualifications are accepted by 104 different international universities.

Some of them are: